North Down Riders on Track
It’s been a busy time for North Down track cyclists lately. Paul Swenarton was in Manchester competing in the European Masters Championships. In addition, Nathan McLeer has just returned from the UK Schools Games, in Cardiff, where the Northern Ireland team was managed by Anthony Mitchell.
For young McLeer this was the trip of a lifetime. He was in awe at the massive opening ceremony and the feast of racing which awaited the youngsters from the province. In many respects the event was the culmination of a long season of hard work for Nathan. With the UK Schools Championships in mind, the team had been expertly prepared by Anthony and coach Brian Cardy.
Their preparation involved numerous visits to Orangefield track in Belfast, in addition to trips to Manchester and even continental Europe. This preparation did not go to waste and the performance of the Northern Ireland team drew much acclaim. Particular note was made of their performance in the Madison, which was described as; ‘a well oiled machine’.
Certainly the experience will stand Nathan in good stead as he embarks on his junior career. He told me this week that he can’t wait to tackle the junior events and with a good solid winter’s training, the sky is the limit.
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